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Welcome Dr. Sandra Guzmán and Dr. Jonathan Judy as new members of the Hydrologic Sciences Coordinating Committee.

Welcoming New Members to the Hydrologic Sciences Coordinating Committee

The Water Institute is pleased to announce Dr. Sandra Guzmán and Dr. Jonathan Judy as new members of the Hydrologic Sciences Coordinating Committee (HSCC). They were elected to the committee to serve a three-year term (2024-2027).

The Hydrologic Sciences Coordinating Committee oversees the Hydrologic Sciences Academic Concentration (HSAC). This is a unique interdisciplinary program designed to broaden the skills of science and engineering graduate students who are interested in all aspects of water. The Hydrologic Sciences Coordinating Committee is comprised of six elected faculty members each representing six hydrologic science topics and one graduate student. The Director of the Water Institute serves as an additional permanent voting member.

Dr. Sandra Guzmán, who will serve as representative of the Subsurface Hydrology topic, is an Assistant Professor at the Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce, Florida. Her main goal is to understand producers’ challenges in water management and provide effective solutions that adapt to current technological developments.

Dr. Jonathan Judy, who will serve as representative of the Hydrologic Chemistry topic, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences. His research examines the fate of contaminants and their effects on terrestrial biota.

To learn more about the Hydrologic Sciences Academic Concentration and its committee, please visit its webpage.

January 19, 2024