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Welcome Darlene Velez as the new Coordinator for the FloridaWCA

Darlene Velez: New Coordinator for FloridaWCA’s Initiatives

Darlene Velez has been appointed as the Florida Water and Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) Coordinator. The FloridaWCA is a stakeholder-scientist partnership committed to increasing the relevance of climate-science data and tools to support informed decision-making in water resource management, planning, and supply operations in Florida. The FloridaWCA is excited to welcome Darlene, who will leverage her diverse background in water resource management, interdisciplinary research, and stakeholder facilitation to advance the organization’s mission. In Darlene’s role, she will coordinate interdisciplinary research projects and applications, facilitate education and networking opportunities through webinars and workshops, and improve online access to Florida-relevant climate data and information through website and listserv.

January 10, 2024