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Welcome Dr. Jasmeet Judge as the new member of the FloridaWCA Steering Committee

Meet Dr. Jasmeet Judge, FloridaWCA Steering Committee’s New Member

The Florida Water & Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA) welcomes Dr. Jasmeet Judge as a new member of its Steering Committee. Dr. Judge is Professor of Microwave Remote Sensing at the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department of the University of Florida and Director of the Center for Remote Sensing. Dr. Judge’s research focuses on understanding how water interacts with soil and vegetation by applying remote sensing observations and modeling techniques. Her work with soil moisture and temperature conditions not only play a major role in hydrologic and agricultural crop growth, but it also provides information on heat exchange between land and the atmosphere which impacts weather patterns and climate change. Dr. Judge routinely collaborates with agronomists, foresters, and climate researchers on wetland models, forest growth models, agricultural crop models, and other land cover models which leads to more effective and sustainable water management.

As a member of the FloridaWCA Steering Committee, Dr. Judge will assist the FloridaWCA with its mission: foster partnerships to co-develop and share locally relevant and actionable climate science, data, and decision support that promote sustainability in the water sector.

December 11, 2023