University of Florida word mark

The Water Institute welcomes 11 new affiliate faculty across six colleges and nine departments. These affiliates bring a diverse set of water related interests and experiences to the Institute. We look forward to collaborating with them in their water related research. You can learn more about their individual research interests by visiting their personal pages, linked below.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate or you know of someone who should become one, you can invite them to do so by directing them to our webpage to learn more about us.


  Name Email Title Department Website Water Related Interests
Tonya Ashworth Extension Agent, Environmental Horticulture IFAS Extension Website Sustainability, Water Quality
Tracie Baker Associate Professor Environmental and Global Health Website Aquatic Chemistry, Ecology, Water Quality
Sarah Doore Assistant Professor Microbiology and Cell Science Website Ecology, Water Quality, Water Treatment
Johanna Engström Assistant Professor Geography Website Climate, Data Analysis/Modeling, Water Resource Management
Ryan Good Lecturer School of Natural Resources and Environment Website Education/Communication, Geography/Land Use, Sustainability
Chris Gunter Professor and Chair Horticultural Sciences  Website Water Quality, Water Treatment
Zhe Jiang Assistant Professor Computer and Information Science and Engineering Website Data Analysis/Modeling, Hydrology

David Keellings Assistant Professor Geography Website Climate, Data Analysis/Modeling, Geography/Land Use
Zhoumeng Lin Associate Professor Environmental Global Health Website Data Analysis/Modeling, Policy/Legal Management, Water Quality
Ignacia Mercadal Assistant Professor Economics Website Economics
Amelia Winger-Bearskin Banks Preeminence Chair Associate Professor of AI and the Arts: Digital Arts and Science Digital Worlds Institute Digital World Website Education/Communication, Social/Cultural/Institutional, Sustainability