University of Florida word mark

Dr. Sam Smidt

Water Institute Affiliate Faculty and Hydrologic Sceinces Academic Cluster (HSAC) Coordinating Committee member Dr. Sam Smidt will be offering a new course on Principles of Water Policy in Spring Semester 2022. This course seeks to provide an interdisciplinary policy foundation for managing water resources-related challenges and will feature invited speakers with water policy expertise from throughout University of Florida as well as from state and national agencies. Students will critically review the procedures, institutions, and dynamics within water policy, including the policy-making process and its impacts on the outcomes of water resources. The development of this course is the first-step in developing a Water Policy Graduate Concentration modeled after the Hydrologic Sciences Academic Concentration.

Click here to view the syllabus for this course

For more information on the Hydrologic Sciences Academic Concentration (HSAC), please visit the HSAC website



October 18, 2021