2024 Graduate Student Travel Awards

Travel Awards provide financial support to UF Graduate students to present their water-related research at a national or international conference. The research focus must be on terrestrial water systems (i.e. freshwater, groundwater) and their interactions with human, coastal, or atmospheric systems.

Award Details

Graduate students may apply to receive up to $1,000 for travel to present their water-related research at a national or international conference. Your research focus must be on terrestrial water systems (i.e. freshwater, groundwater) and their interactions with human, coastal, or atmospheric systems.  The award will be disbursed as a reimbursement upon submission of receipts following UF travel directives.

Airfare and registration may be paid in advance under certain circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a UF graduate student at least one full semester after return from the conference
  • Research must focus on terrestrial water systems (i.e. freshwater, groundwater) and their interactions with human, coastal, or atmospheric systems. 
  • Must present at a national or international conference  
  • Must be the presenting author
  • Faculty advisor must be a Water Institute Affiliate Faculty member
  • Abstract must have been submitted
  • Must provide clear budget justification 

Application Materials

  • Application form
  • Proof of abstract submission
  • Estimated travel budget (see budget template)


  • Acknowledgement of Water Institute support on poster/presentation
  • Present research at a Water Institute event (e.g., Lunch by the Water or symposium)
  • Travel expense report must be submitted within two weeks of return

Deadlines and Decisions

Applications are accepted at the start of every semester and close on the following dates:

Spring Semester Summer Semester Fall Semester
February 29, 2024 May 24, 2024 September 6, 2024

Decision Dates:

Spring Semester Summer Semester Fall Semester
March 15, 2024 June 7, 2024 September 20, 2024


Paloma Carton de Grammont
Assistant Director 

2023 Water Institute Spring, Summer, and Fall Travel Awardees