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2020 Symposium Poster Awards

Student Competition Awards

The 69 students with posters competed for $1,000 awards to be used as funding to support future participation at a national conference. This year the competition was sponsored by The Florida Section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA).

Each of the 69 student posters was judged by 3 independent judges, who scored each poster according to the originality, significance and potential impact of the research topic; the clarity and effectiveness of the research design, and creativity and clarity of the poster layout. The top-scoring posters stood out because they showed that the student’s research work was original and significant, with large potential for impact. The winning posters exhibited advanced techniques showing a high level of knowledge of the subject. As well, the student’s oral presentation to the judges showed that they have a good grasp of the subject. Finally, the 4 winning posters were creative, visually interesting, and of a highly professional caliber.


Audrey Goeckner
University of Florida
Soil & Water Sciences
Major Advisor: Dr. Mary Lusk

“Carbon Dynamics of Urban Stormwater Ponds”


Fei He
University of Florida
Food and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Dr. Tatiana Borisova

“Producers’ Risk Perceptions and the Choice of Nitrogen Application Rates for Carrot Production”

Susan Lamb
University of Florida
Soil & Water Sciences
Major Advisor: Dr. Sam Smidt

“Irrigation Decision-Making and Groundwater Use Outcomes in Western Kansas”

Alexis Wormington
University of Florida
Center for Environmental & Human Toxicology
Major Advisor: Dr. Joseph Bisesi

“Effects of Particle Absorption in Aquatic Environments on the Bioavailability of Pharmaceutical Contaminants in Fish”