The Florida Water & Climate Alliance (FloridaWCA)—a stakeholder-scientist network that co-develops locally relevant, actionable climate science to support water resource decision-making in Florida—has been around for more than a decade. In that time, the group has held 24 workshops and webinars that bring together diverse stakeholders interested in the nexus of climate change and water supply and planning in Florida. Only ONE person in the history of the group has attended all 24 workshops/ webinars: Dr. Tirusew Asefa, Manager of Planning and System Support at Tampa Bay Water!
Along with the UF Water Institute, Tampa Bay Water was among the founding organizations of the FloridaWCA in 2010. Since that time, Dr. Asefa has been an enthusiastic champion of the group, helping to drive its applied research initiatives, bring in new members, and engage with other stakeholders through workshop presentations and discussions. Under NOAA and NASA-funded projects, he facilitated the application of co-produced climate science to improve Tampa Bay Water’s water supply and operations decision making. The commitment of Tampa Bay Water to its partnership with FloridaWCA is evident through Dr. Asefa’s continued engagement, as well as funding it has provided for FloridaWCA coordination by the UF Water Institute.
“FloridaWCA’s success is a direct result of Tirusew’s tireless energy and leadership, and his passion for co-production of actionable climate science. He is an amazing colleague, and we all benefit from his insight and enthusiasm.” – Dr. Wendy Graham, Director of UF Water Institute
The FloridaWCA will hold its 25th webinar on April 7, 2021 on “2020 Hurricane Season Impacts on Water Management in Florida.” Help us commemorate our partnership with Dr. Tirusew Asefa and Tampa Bay Water at the webinar—click here to see the agenda!

Dr. Tirusew Asefa (middle) at a FloridaWCA workshop in 2011.
March 29, 2021