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Please join us in congratulating Dr. Nancy Denslow (Professor, Department of Physiological Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine ) for her selection as 2020 UF Water Institute Distinguished Faculty Fellow and  Dr.  AJ Reisinger  (Assistant Professor, Soil and Water Sciences, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences)  for his selection as 2020 UF Water Institute Early Career Faculty Fellow!

Dr. Denslow and Dr. Reisinger are being recognized for their outstanding contributions to interdisciplinary water research, extension, and education programs, as well as their strong support of UF Water Institute Programs.

Nancy Denslow’s research centers around environmental toxicology with an emphasis on water contaminants. She is a recipient of the SETAC Founders Award, the highest honor that the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry bestows upon its members, for her pioneering achievements in integrating molecular mechanisms to help define how contaminants are affecting the health and well-being of aquatic organisms. She has an extensive record of water quality and toxicology  research projects funded by EPA, NIH, NSF and USGS, and has served on panels to provide scientific support for  policy development at EPA and in California. Nancy collaborates widely across disciplines, and has served as Chair of the Water Institute Faculty Advisory Committee as well as on the 2020 Water Institute Symposium Planning Committee.

AJ Reisinger’s research focuses on nutrient and energy dynamics of freshwater ecosystems and how these dynamics are affected by human activities on the landscape. His work is broadly interdisciplinary and has included efforts focused on Great Lakes fish community ecology, effects of Amazonian dams on river water quality, as well as more applied issues such as urban stream restoration and green infrastructure implementation in Maryland and Florida. AJ is an active member of the Water Institute including serving on the Hydrologic Science Academic Cluster Coordinating Committee, participating in  the Florida Water and Climate Alliance, hosting Water Institute seminar speakers and participating in Water Institute Symposia.

Stay tuned for details on the date and format of the 2020 Faculty Fellows Celebration to honor Dr. Denslow and Dr. Reisinger, along with Florida Climate Institute Faculty Fellows Cynthia Barnett and Young Gu Her.