We are pleased to announce that the Water Institute in collaboration with The Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands and the Conservation Clinic at the Levin College of Law has signed a collaborative agreement with the The Ramsar Regional Center for Training and Research for the Western Hemisphere (CREHO).
CREHO has been collaborating with the Conservation Clinic at the Levin College of Law under the direction of Water Institute Affiliated Faculty Tom Ankersen and partnered with the 2017 Water Institute Graduate Fellows Program on a multi-year interdisciplinary research project involving the Tempisque River Basin in Costa Rica, including Palo Verde National Park, a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention. CREHO has also begun working on a project in Panama with Water Institute Affiliated Faculty Dr. Catherine Tucker (Center for Latin American Studies) and Faculty Fellows David Kaplan and Christine Angelini (Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands), as well as other faculty and students at the School of Forest Resources and Conservation.
Through this cooperative agreement the Water Institute aims to:
- Encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative research between Water Institute Affiliate Faculty and CREHO
- Provide Water Institute faculty and students access to CREHO’s facilities and wetlands throughout the hemisphere
- Provide opportunities for UF students to study abroad (in the Spring of 2020, the Levin College of Law will seek to offer a study abroad opportunity with CREHO)
- Plan or submit joint grant applications
To launch the agreement, on November 12, 2019 the Water Institute and the Center for Latin American Studies hosted an informative session with CREHO’s Executive Director Dr. Oswaldo Jordan for Water Institute faculty and students to explore collaborative research and study abroad opportunities with CREHO.