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2022 Water Institute Symposium

Student Poster Competition Awards

At the 2022 Water Institute Symposium, 84 student poster presenters competed for four awards of $1,000 each to support their participation at future academic conferences. This year the competition was sponsored in part by The Florida Section of the American Water Resources Association.

Each student poster was judged by three independent judges according to the significance and potential impact of the research topic; the clarity and effectiveness of the research design; creativity and clarity of the poster layout; and the strength of the oral summary. The top-scoring posters stood out in that the students’ research was original and significant, with advanced methods demonstrating a high level of knowledge of the subject. The students’ oral presentations to the judges provided a concise summary with informative responses to judge questions. The four winning posters were also creative, visually interesting, and of a highly professional caliber.

Edgar Guerron Orejuela
University of South Florida
Major Advisors: Drs. Mark Rains and Kai Rains

“Groundwater Vulnerability in Social-Hydrological Systems”


Greg Owen
University of Florida
Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Major Advisor: Dr. Matt Cohen

“Evaluating Restoration Activities to Better Prioritize a Hierarchy of Needs in Florida’s Springs”

Gretchen Stokes
University of Florida
Soil & Water Sciences
Major Advisor: Dr. Sam Smidt

“Assessing Anthropogenic Stressors to Global Freshwater Habitats and Inland Fisheries”

Abby Vidmar
University of South Florida
Major Advisor: Dr. E. Christian Wells

“Water, Sanitation, and Health in Urban Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities”