University of Florida word mark

2024 Graduate Student Research Award

Research Awards provide financial support to UF graduate students conducting research on terrestrial water systems (i.e. freshwater, groundwater) and their interactions with human, coastal, or atmospheric systems.

The awards are intended to enhance the research by adding components not originally included in their proposals. For example, students may use the funding to add a field season or field site, collaborate with new research groups, or incorporate interdisciplinary elements into their research.

Award Details

  • UF graduate students can request up to $5,000 to augment their research
  • Funds must be spent prior to graduation or within two years, whichever comes first 

Eligibility Criteria

Application Materials

  • 1 – 2 page project description including:
    • Goals for a new component of the research and how it contributes to the overall research goals
    • New activities you plan to conduct with funds provided and estimated timeline
    • Expected outcomes or products and how they contribute to your overall research
  • Budget description with justification (see budget template)
    • Funds used for travel to external sites are subject to the travel regulations for the University of Florida
    • Funds may be used for stipends if sufficiently justified on the budget description, funds may not be used for travel to present research
  • CV
  • Letter of support from a Water Institute Affiliate Faculty advisor
  • Letter from host institution (if doing research at an off-campus site)

Review Criteria

  • Importance of the proposed research goals and activities
  • Proposed activities are necessary and sufficient to accomplish research goals
  • Student has the background knowledge/training/experience to accomplish the proposed research 
  • The level of effort is appropriate for the proposed timeline and budget
  • Strength of support from graduate advisor and external host/institution (if applicable)


  • Acknowledgement of Water Institute support on poster/presentation (access the Water Institute logo here)
  • Present research findings at Lunch by the Water seminar 
  • Submit fiscal and accomplishment report to the Water Institute at the end the 2025 and 2026 fiscal years (or prior to graduation whichever comes first) 


Paloma Carton de Grammont
Assistant Director


July 30, 2024

Decision Date

August 30, 2024