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Distinguished Scholar Seminars

The UF Water Institute Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series invites high profile scholars to conduct a general Water Institute seminar at UF that will be of interest to a broad audience; meet with the Water Institute Faculty Advisory Committee to discuss strategic planning and partnering opportunities; and meet with interested Water Institute faculty and graduate students to discuss specific research/education issues.

Upcoming Seminars

DateSpeakerTitleOrganizationTime and LocationSeminar Title

Dr. Katherine Serafin

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Geography, University of Florida

April 3, 2025, 3 pm, Career Connections Center Connections Room & Zoom

When Forces Collide: Building Resilience to Compound Flooding Hazards
Register here


Past Seminars


Dr. Haimanote Bayabil

Associate ProfessorAgricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida

Advancing Soil and Water Management: Monitoring, Modeling, and Adaptation Strategies in a Changing Climate


Dr. Jordan Read

Executive DirectorCUAHSI

Advancing Water Research and Education: CUAHSI’s Vision for Community-Centered Infrastructure


Dr. Jason Taylor

Research EcologistUSDA Agricultural Research Service

Identifying, Managing, and Monitoring Limiting Nutrients in Alluvial Plain Freshwater Agroecosystems (Co-Sponsored by UF Department of Soil, Water, & Ecosystem Sciences)


Dr. Vivek Sharma

Assistant ProfessorAgricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida

A Partnership to Advance Water and Nutrient Best Management Practices in Florida


Dr. Sagy Cohen

ProfessorUniversity of Alabama

Riverine Research Across Scales: From Flood Forecasting to Global Scale Sediment Modeling (Seminar Co-Sponsored by UF Geography)


Dr. Andrea Pain

Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Maryland

Biogeochemical mineral weathering in the warming Arctic and implications for Arctic carbon cycling (Seminar Co-Sponsored by UF Geological Sciences)


Dr. Alex Mayer

Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Center of Environmental Resource ManagementUniversity of Texas at El Paso

The future of the Rio Grande Basin: How will climate change, competition for water, and migration increase the cost of water for urban residents? (Seminar Co-Sponsored by UF Geological Sciences)


Dr. Ruben Morales

Research ScientistMexican Institute of Water Technology

A particle tracking model to forecast Sargassum along the Mexican Caribbean coast (Seminar Co-Sponsored by UF Geological Sciences)


Dr. Mike Allen

Assistant ProfessorFisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida

Evaluating Fisheries Responses to Changes in Water, Habitat, and Management Actions


Dr. Christa Court

Assistant ProfessorFood and Resources Economics Department, University of Florida

The Role of Economists in Analyzing Water Issues


Dr. Walter Dodd

University Distinguished ProfessorDivision of Biology, Kansas State University

Laws, Theories, and Patterns in Ecology


Dr. Sam Smidt

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Soil, Water, and Ecosystems Sciences, University of Florida

Advancing Environmental Sustainability in Geo-, Eco-, and Agro-Systems


Dr. Farhana Sultana

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Geography and the Environment at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University

Drowned out: Water, Climate, and Justice (Seminar Co-Sponsored by UF Geography)


Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu

Assistant ProfessorSchool of Forest, Fisheries & Geomatics Sciences, Ft Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida

Groundwater effects on multiple ecosystem services across scales 


Dr. Lisa Krimsky 

Regional Specialized AgentFlorida Sea Grant, Indian River Research and Education Center, University of Florida

Water Resources in Florida: Extension at the intersection of science and human experience


Dr. Arial Shogren

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama

The Stories Rivers Tell: Using Aquatic Signals to Detect Change in Arctic Watersheds


Dr. AJ Reisinger

Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Florida

Nutrient Dynamics Along the Urban Watershed Continuum


Dr. Nancy Denslow

Professor And Director Of Aquatic ToxicologyUniversity of Florida

Ecotoxicology in the 21st Century


Dr. Karen McNeal

Associate Professor, COSAM Molette Endowed ProfessorAuburn University

Insights from Geocognition research about how to effectively engage public audiences with climate change related information


Dr. Davie Kadyampakeni

Assistant ProfessorUF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Enhancing Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency on Citrus Production Landscapes in Florida


Dr. Jonathan Martin

Professor and 2020 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished LecturerUF Department of Geological Sciences

High Latitude Hydrology: Water in a Changing World


Dr. Christine Angelini

Assistant ProfessorUF Department of Environmental Engineering

Resilience and Restoration of Southeastern US Estuaries


Dr. John Doherty

Distinguished LecturerGroundwater Foundation Darcy Distinguished Lecturer

Starting from the Problem and Working Backwards


Dr. Daniella Rempe

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences

Investigating the Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Fractured Bedrock Underlying Forests


Dr. Todd Osborne

Assistant ProfessorUF Whitney Lab - St. Augustine ,Soil and Water Sciences Department, University of Florida

Anticipating the future of coastal biogeochemical processes: Insights from a climate change gradient on Florida’s east coast


Dr. William Cooper

Professor EmeritusDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Irvine

Current Understanding of Natural Organic Matter Photochemistry and Implications in Constructed Wetlands, Environmental Fate and Coastal Studies


Dr. Emily Bernhardt

Jerry G. and Patricia Hubbard Professor of BiologyDepartment of Biology, Duke University

Do Rivers Have Rhythm? New insights into the metabolic regimes of flowing waters


Dr. David Hyndman

Professor and ChairHydrogeology, Environmental Geophysics, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University

Quantifying the effects of human activities on hydrology: From the High Plains of the US to the Brazilian Amazon


Dr. Mark Brenner

ProfessorDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of Florida

The Past and Future of Florida Lakes


Dr. Luc de Meester

ProfessorLaboratory of Aquatic Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, KU Leuven

Eco-evolutionary dynamics and global change: freshwater ponds as model systems


Dr. Jay Garland

Division DirectorNational Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Modeling and Mining the Microbiome to Help Catalyze Adoption of Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse

2018/10/15 Liberty Hyde Bailey ProfessorSoil and Crop Sciences, School of Integrative Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University

Soil Organic Matter Formation: Concepts and Controversies


Larry Hipps, Ph.D.

ProfessorDepartment of Plants, Soil & Climate, Utah State University

Evapotranspiration: Measurements, Models and Connections to Climate


Dr. David Kaplan

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Environmental Engineering Sciences

Socio-Ecohydrology of a Dammed Amazon


Dr. Masaki Hayashi

Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecturer for 2018, Professor & Canada Research Chair in Physical HydrologyDepartment of Geoscience

Alpine Hydrogeology: The Critical Role of Groundwater in Sourcing the Headwaters of the World


Dr. Sanjay Shukla

ProfessorIFAS Southwest Florida Research & Education Center, Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Thinking Beyond Water to Design Win-Win Solutions for Water Sustainability


Dr. Edgardo Latrubesse

ProfessorDepartment of Geography and the Environment

Fluvial Systems, Continental Sediment Sources, Sediment Sinks, and the Human Factor in Tropical South America


Dr. Forrest “Ed” Harvey

2017 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer; ChiefWater Resources Division

Water Resource Stewardship in the U.S. National Park Service


Dr. Thomas Bianchi

Jon and Beverly Thomson Endowed ChairDepartment of Geological Sciences

Carbon Remineralization and Burial in the Coastal Margin: Linkages in the Anthropocene


Dr. W. Berry Lyons

Professor, School DirectorSchool of Earth Sciences

Hydrology and Aquatic Geochemistry of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica


Ryan Bailey, Ph.D.

Assistant ProfessorCivil and Environmental Engineering

Simulating water flow and solute transport in coupled groundwater-surface water systems using SWAT-MODFLOW


Upmanu Lall, Ph.D.

Alan & Carol Silberstein Professor of Engineering & Director of Columbia Water CenterDept. of Earth & Environmental Engineering

From Paleo to Future Climates: How could interannual to decadal to secular climate variations interact with vegetation, humans, soils and determine the phase space of the unsaturated zone


Christine Kirchhoff, Ph.D.

Assistant ProfessorCivil & Environmental Engineering Department

Climate-Resilient Water Governance and Management: Progress and Challenges


Catherine Kling, Ph.D.

Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences

Temporal Reliability of Welfare Estimates from Revealed Preference Data, co-hosted by UF Food & Resource Economics Department


James Elser, Ph.D.

Bierman Professor of Ecology, DirectorFlathead Lake Biological Station

Biological Stoichiometry of Nutrient Limitation in Ecology and Evolution


Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Ph.D.

2016 Water Institute Faculty FellowDepartment of Civil and Coastal Engineering, ESSIE

Why Should Management of Coastal Aquifers Consider Basin-scale Ocean Currents?


Kati Migliaccio, Ph.D.

2016 Water Institute Faculty FellowDepartment of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Future of Water Management: Technology that makes science accessible to decision makers


Ty Ferré, Ph.D.

2016 Darcy Lecture Series in Groundwater Science (Nat'l Groundwater Association), ProfessorDepartment of Hydrology and Water Resources

Seeing Things Differently: Rethinking the Relationship Between Data, Models, and Decision-Making


Dr. Pedro Sanchez

Research ProfessorSoil and Water Sciences Department

Africa’s Progress in Fighting Hunger: Science and Policy – co-hosted by 17th Annual Soil and Water Sciences Research Forum


Duane De Freese, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Restructuring the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program – An opportunity to connect science, policy and people through connected leadership


Dr. Shemin Ge

2016 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, Professor of HydrogeologyDepartment of Geological Sciences

Fluid Induced Earthquakes: Insights from Hydrogeology and Poro-mechanics, co-hosted by Department of Geological Sciences


Dr. Eric A. Davidson

Professor and DirectorAppalachian Laboratory

Manure Happens: The Consequences of Feeding Seven Billion Human Carnivores, co-hosted by Soil and Water Science Department


Dr. Michael Dukes

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology

Using Research to Inform Extension for Real World Water Conservation


Dr. Mark Clark

Soil and Water Science Department

Nutrient Management at the Edge: Optimization and Innovations in Water Quality Treatment Strategies at the “Edge of the Field”


Dr. Benjamin Strauss

Vice President for Sea Level and Climate Impacts

Communicating Climate through the Lens of Rising Seas


Dr. Torbjörn Tönqvist

Professor and ChairEarth and Environmental Science

Tipping Points of Coastal Marshes Due to Accelerated Sea-level Rise


Dr. Andrew Sharpley

Professor of Soils and Water QualityUniversity of Arkansas

Exploring Phosphorus Paradoxes to Avoid Unintended Consequences


Dr. Rainer Helmig

2015 Darcy LecturerDepartment of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems

Numerical Models for Evaluating the Competitive Use of the Subsurface: The Influence of Energy Storage and Production in Groundwater


Dr. Chad Staddon

Professor of Resource Economics & PolicyDepartment of Geography and Environmental Management

Water Governance and the ‘Urban Hydrosocial Transition’


Dr. Clifford Voss

2015 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, Research HydrologistNational Research Program

Informing Management of the World’s Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis


Prof. Marnik Vanclooster

ProfessorEarth and Life Institute - Environmental Sciences

“L’union fait la force” or how different approaches should be combined to characterize water quality of groundwater bodies


Dr. Jonathan Martin

ProfessorDepartment of Geological Sciences

Views of sea level rise from Greenland, the Yucatan, and beyond


Dr. James Jawitz

ProfessorSoil and Water Science Department

Why is the flow to Silver Springs decreasing?


Shannon Estenoz

Director of Everglades Restoration Initiatives

Everglades Restoration: Progress and Challenges Ahead


Dr. Peter Groffman

Senior Scientist & Microbial Ecologist

The Bio-Geo-Socio-Chemistry of Nitrogen in Urban Watersheds, presented at the 15th Annual Soil and Water Science Research Forum


Carlos Duarte

Research ProfessorSpanish National Research Council (CSIC)

The role of coastal vegetation in climate change mitigation and adaptation


Christine A. Klein

Chesterfield Smith Professor of Law, Director, LL.M. Program in Environmental & Land Use LawLevin College of Law

Mississippi River Tragedies: A Century of Unnatural Disaster


Ellen E. Martin, Ph.D.

Professor, FCI Faculty FellowDepartment of Geological Sciences

From the Greenhouse to the Icehouse: Climate Change 33 Million Years Ago


Rafael Munoz-Carpena, Ph.D.

UF Water Institute Faculty Fellow, ProfessorAgricultural and Biological Engineering Department

A Peep into Environmental Complexity and Resilience? Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Evaluation of Mathematical Models


Dr. Matthew J. Cohen

Associate Professor, Forest Water ResourcesSchool of Forest Resources and Conservation

Sometimes you can see a lot just by looking: How sensors are changing our understanding of rivers


Dr. Timothy Martin

Professor, Tree Physiology, Project Director of Pinemap (NIFA)School of Forest Resources and Conservation

Long-term cooperative research in southern pines: The greatest good


Buster Simpson

Environmental Artist

The Watershed of Poetic Utility: Developing a water ethic through environmental design


Dr. Linda S. Lee

Professor, Associate HeadAgronomy Department

Technology, Stewardship & Quality of Life: Chemicals of Emerging Concern in the Balance