2024 Dissertation Awards


Dissertation Awards recognize outstanding Ph.D. dissertations on water issues, one in each of the following categories:

1) Water Policy and Socioeconomics
2) Natural Science and Engineering

Award Details

Award recipients will receive a $1000 award*, be recognized at the 2024 Water Institute Awards Ceremony event, and be nominated for the UCOWR Ph.D. Dissertation Award through UF’s UCOWR delegate Dr. Michael Dukes. If they receive the UCOWR Ph.D. Dissertation Award, the Water Institute will provide supplementary travel funds for attending the UCOWR conference to accept the award.

*Please note that this award is considered income subject to payroll taxation. Your department will notify Payroll Services, and the corresponding taxes for the value of the award will be deducted on a subsequent paycheck.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be nominated by faculty advisor (must be a Water Institute Affiliate Faculty member)
  • Ph.D. Students who have completed their dissertations between September 1, 2022 and July 26, 2024

Nomination Process

A nomination packed includes two steps to be completed by August 16, 2024

  • Student must complete the Student Nomination form and provide a copy of the Ph.D. dissertation (In cases where journal articles or other documents were accepted in lieu of a dissertation, digital copies of those documents that constituted the dissertation requirements must be submitted)
  • Faculty advisor must complete the Advisor Nomination form. In case your student is selected as an awardee, we will request a Letter of endorsement addressed to UCOWR Ph.D. Dissertation Award Selection Committee (Letter must include the Ph.D. advisor’s mailing address, email address, and phone number)

Review Criteria

  • Quality and clarity of writing
  • Originality and innovation
  • Scientific merit, technical quality; soundness of research
  • Understanding of previous related research
  • Contribution to and impact on water resources research


Paloma Carton de Grammont
Assistant Director 


August 16, 2024

Decision Date

October 1, 2024