The Water Institute recognizes the need to take action in a meaningful way to eradicate systematic discrimination and increase diversity within the scientific and professional community addressing water issues.
We support UF’s commitment to engage in the challenging, uncomfortable and transformational work that is needed to address racism and inequity. In our ongoing efforts to develop the 2021-2025 Water Institute Strategic Plan, we pledge to examine our programs, processes, and practices to identify where we can strengthen justice, equity, diversity, access and inclusion; develop anti-racism and equity goals and measures; and link those goals to concrete actions to address systemic barriers that have excluded underrepresented minority groups from our research, education, extension and outreach programs.
As an initial step in this process, we urge our Affiliate Faculty, students and collaborators to join us in creating an academic space where we:
- Acknowledge and value diverse experiences of our community
- Disrupt unspoken rules that promote discrimination and racism
- Establish and sustain a zero-tolerance culture towards discrimination
- Elevate discussions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access and Justice within our community
- Work with Deans, Directors and Department Chairs to increase the diversity of water-related faculty members and students at the University of Florida
- Actively seek diverse representation in our research, education, extension and outreach programs and activities
- Commit to conduct water-related programs that address inequities related to water issues.