University of Florida word mark

Last week, the UF Water Institute community gathered to celebrate and honor three cohorts of Faculty Fellows:

Fellowship Term: 2022-2025

Christa Court, Assistant Professor, Food and Resource Economics

Samuel Smidt, Assistant Professor, Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences

Fellowship Term: 2021-2024

Lisa Krimsky, Regional Specialized Agent, Florida Sea Grant

Jiangxiao Qiu, Assistant Professor, School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences

Fellowship Term: 2020-2023

Nancy Denslow, Professor and Director Aquatic Toxicology, Veterinary Medicine

AJ Reisinger, Assistant Professor Urban Soil and Water Quality

In a ceremony hosted at the beautiful Earl and Christy Powell University House, Dr. Wendy Graham (Director UF Water Institute), Dr. Sobha Jaishankar (Assistant Vice President Office of Research), and Dr. Scott Angle (Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources), recognized the contributions and accomplishments of the Fellows to UF’s interdisciplinary water related research, education, and extension programs.

Dr. Court leads an innovative extension-research program focused at the intersection of economics and the environment, promoting a systems thinking approach for understand and solve complex water challenges

Dr. Court leads an innovative extension-research program focused on the intersection of economics and the environment, promoting a systems thinking approach to understand and solve complex water challenges.

Dr. Smidt leads an innovative teaching-research program focused on water sustainability and water policy.  His programs demonstrate an amazing and exemplary commitment to teaching and student development

Dr. Smidt leads an innovative teaching-research program focused on water sustainability and water policy. His programs demonstrate an amazing and exemplary commitment to teaching and student development.

Dr. Shiu conducts research that lies at the intersection of landscape ecology, ecosystem services, global change, and sustainability science

Dr. Qiu’s research lies at the intersection of landscape ecology, ecosystem services, global change, and sustainability science. He seeks to unravel how global environmental change affects hydrologic ecosystem services, and what management and intervention strategies can sustain future freshwater supplies.

Dr. Krimsky provides leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of water resources Extension programs, with an important and timely focus on coastal water quality and harmful algal blooms

Dr. Krimsky provides leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of water resources Extension programs, with an important and timely focus on coastal water quality and harmful algal blooms.

Dr. Denslow’s research centers around environmental toxicology with an emphasis on water contaminants.

Dr. Denslow’s research centers on environmental toxicology with an emphasis on water contaminants. She is a pioneer in integrating molecular mechanisms to help define how contaminants are affecting the health of aquatic organisms.

Dr. Reisinger research focuses on nutrient and energy dynamics of freshwater ecosystems and how these dynamics are affected by human activities on the landscape.

Dr. Reisinger’s research focuses on nutrient and energy dynamics of freshwater ecosystems and how these dynamics are affected by human activities on the landscape.

More photos from the ceremony and reception can be found at this link (Photos courtesy of Tyler Jones, IFAS Photography).


November 9, 2023