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2023 Dissertation Award to Dr. Fei He and Dr. Fernando Aristizabal

Water Institute 2023 Dissertation Awardees Announced

The Water Institute is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2023 Water Institute Dissertation Awards: Dr. Fei He and Dr. Fernando Aristizabal.

Dr. Fei He was honored in the Water Policy and Socioeconomics category for her groundbreaking dissertation, “Farm-Scale and Regional Economics Implications of Agricultural Land Management Decisions in the Floridan Aquifer Region“. Her research delved into the intricate economic and environmental considerations related to alternative agricultural land management choices in the Northern Florida and Southern Georgia region. Dr. He’s work not only informs vital stakeholder discussions, but it also serves as essential content for decision-makers shaping regional agricultural water policy. She earned her Ph. D. in Food and Resource Economics under the advice of Dr. Court and Dr. Borisova.

In the realm of Natural Science and Engineering, Dr. Fernando Aristizabal was recognized for his dissertation titled “High Resolution Flood Inundation Mapping from Remote Sensing Observations and Hydrology Models at Continental Scales“. Dr. Aristizabal developed an innovative operational framework utilizing satellite remote sensing and streamflow hydrology models, marking a significant leap forward in operational flood forecasting. His contributions have tangible effects on enhancing early warning capabilities in the United States. He earned his Ph. D. in Agricultural and Biological Engineering under the advice of Dr. Judge.

We cordially invite you to celebrate their exceptional achievements and witness the presentation of their awards at the 2023 Water Institute Awards Ceremony, taking place on November 15, at 4:30 PM at the Kenne Faculty Center.


November 2, 2023