Congratulations to our Summer 2023 Water Institute Travel Awardees
Congratulations to our Summer 2023 Water Institute Travel Awardees! The travel awards provide financial support to UF graduate students to present their water-related research at national or international conferences. As recipients of the award students will be presenting their research at a Water Institute event in the future. Be on the lookout for these events to learn more about their research!
Bibek Acharya
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Conference: American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineers 2023 Annual International Meeting
Presentation Title: Comparing the Effectiveness of Four Different Rotational Production on Nitrate leaching in Sandy soils of Northern Florida
Joshua Benjamin
Conference: International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2023)
Presentation Title: Longitudinal changes in fish assemblages, macroinvertebrate communities, and trace element concentrations in an Afrotropical River
Sanneri Santiago Borrés
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Conference: Water Quality Technology Conference
Presentation Title: Role of dry and rainy seasons and extreme weather floods on the transport and accumulation of PFAS in a coastal lagoon