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Graduate Fellows Programs

Water Institute Graduate Fellows Program

The Water Institute Graduate Fellows (WIGF) Program was established in 2011 to support faculty-graduate teams to conduct innovative interdisciplinary research in emerging areas of water science, including the social, natural, and engineering science; provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the multidimensional challenges to sustaining water resources; equip them with a broad range of interdisciplinary skills; and promote the establishment of diverse and inclusive research teams with long-lasting research connections that result in development of externally sponsored research.

UF Water Scholars Program

After five years on hold, we successfully revamped the Graduate Fellows Program in 2024. The new funding strategy involves matching funds from the UF Office of Research, participating department Chairs and Deans, and faculty to support students’ fellowships. It continues to provide Water Institute funds for integrative activities. The program has been rebranded as the UF Water Scholars Program to highlight its university-wide scope.